Susan Foli OET Writing Sample | OET Answers

Susan Foli OET Writing Sample | OET Answers

Maternal Health Nurse

Woheo Maternal Health Center

Mount Bay


22 March 2023

Dear Nurse

Re: Susan Foli, aged 22 months

I am writing to discharge Susan Sands who is recovering from 2nd-degree burns to the right trunk and arm. She requires follow-up following her discharge today.

Susan was admitted to hospital on 16 March 2023 with burns after being accidentally scalded with hot water. Her condition was managed with usual analgesia, prophylactic antibiotic cover and Silvanzine dressings, which needs to be continued. IV fluids were also administered followed by oral fluids. 

Susan’s mother, Mrs Christine Foli, has recently separated from her husband, appears isolated and is suspected to have depression. 

In view of the above, Kindly take care of Susan and monitor her mother’s mental state. Mrs Foli would benefit from attending mother’s group or activities and child care center. Arranging an appointment with a financial counselor would be appreciated due to her financial difficulties following the separation.

If you have further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Your faithfully,

Charge Nurse 

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