SMOKING CESSATION OET Speaking Role Play Script

Good morning. My name is Narso Andrew, one of the nurses working in this community health center. How may I assist you today?

Good morning, Andrew. I want to give up smoking, but have failed several attempts. So I want some definitive advice.

I appreciate your willingness to quit smoking. Definitely,We will help you in the process. Before proceeding further, Can I have your name and age for the record please?

My name is Patience Patricia and I am 36 years old.

Hi. I’m here to assist you with smoking cessation. I need to know some details. Shall I ask you some questions to have a better understanding of your situation?

Sure, you may Please.

May I know in detail about your smoking habit?

Well Nurse. I have been smoking around 20 cigarets per day for 25 years. I smoke by rolling my own cigarets mostly. I smoke every evening and only a few during the day.

All right. May I know about your previous cessation attempts?

Why not? First of all, I tried to engage in some other activities whenever I felt the urge to smoke. Some pleasant activities, such as calling a friend, watching movies, enjoying some delicious meals, etc., were also tried.

Oh, that’s great.

Interestingly, it often acts as a trigger for smoking. Could you please put forward some other methods of smoking cessation for me?

I realize your situation. Surely, I can provide you with some other techniques which might be quite helpful. Before that, Is there any particular reason for smoking cessation?

I know smoking is injurious to health. I decided to quit smoking for my family as well as for my health.

That’s great. Thank you for the valuable information Patricia. The first thing, which I suggest is a complex tablet which is available in pharmacies. It could help you to reduce the craving and block the rewarding effect of cigarettes. How does that sound?

Oh, it seems to be effective.

Yes, of course it is. The next one I can advise you, is nicotine therapy. Use nicotine patches or gum whenever you feel like smoking, which can stay on your body for many hours and can keep you away from craving to smoke and the gums are callable, which can give you some sort of pleasure from smoking.

All right.

Alongside, doing hypnosis allows modification of behavior. I would also like to introduce you to online support groups available, which will be of great help and can be accessed at your convenience. Patricia, Do you have any concerns?

Well, that’s great. What about the use of e-cigarettes?

Patricia, E-cigarettes are not recommended due to several health risks. I will explain it to you in detail. E-cigarettes can cause nicotine addiction, thus increasing the chance of starting to smoke regularly cigarettes later in life. It emits toxic substances, which are harmful to health, causing lung damage, Cardiovascular diseases like cough, wheezing, asthma and even cancer.

Oh, I see. Thank you for the information. Now, how can I stick to the nonsmoking regimen?

Your question is thoughtful. I appreciate your enthusiasm. The next step is to build a plan. Don’t worry, We will build a plan together.

Sure nurse. Could you please explain it?

Yes of course. The initial step in our plan is to identify the triggers for smoking and try to avoid it to the best.

Okay, I will.

The next and most important thing that you should keep in mind is that there are many rewards and benefits that you can earn by stopping smoking.

Rewards? What does it mean?

Yes Patricia. By quitting smoking, you will get several rewards. Firstly, you can save money spending on cigarettes. Next, you will become healthier and can avoid several health problems. You will also smell nicer.

Yes, that’s right.

And here now we will fix a date to give up smoking completely as this will make you more compelling to stick to the regime.

Okay nurse. I think your suggestions are more target oriented for me. I kindly request you arrange a weekly appointment for me until I stop smoking.

I acknowledge your concern. It shows your desire to quit your smoking habit. Definitely Patricia. I can schedule an appointment once every week for you to check on your progress and to make necessary management. Are you happy with that?

Yes Nurse. Thank you.

It’s my pleasure. Thank you for accepting my suggestions. I wish you all the best to cease your smoking habit.

Thank you, nurse

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