
Your preparation time is over. You can now start your little speaking role play. Don’t worry if I stop you when the time is up.

Good afternoon. My name is Narso Andrew. I am the triage nurse working in the emergency department.


Good afternoon nurse.

Can you please tell me your name and age for the documentation?


My name is Patricia and I am 68 years old.

All right patricia. May I know the reason for your visit to the emergency department?


Well nurse I am really bothered that I have taken an overdose of some of my medications. I feel uncomfortable now and worried about that.

Don’t be afraid patricia. Coming to the emergency department and seeking medical support was the right decision you have taken. Definitely, We will take care of you and Patricia, I would like to know about your medication details please.


I have been prescribed NSAIDs for osteoarthritis. I am on several other medications as well. Also I have no clear idea about my other medications. Importantly I am not sure about the medication that I took in excess as I am having forgetfulness.

It’s okay. I can understand your situation and did you remember the number of tablets you took?


No Nurse. I don’t remember exactly.

No worries. Don’t be stressed. Stay calm Now can you explain the symptoms you experience after the consumption?


After the intake I vomited once and started to have a stomach ache.

I am sorry to hear that Patricia. Did you notice the presence of blood in the vomit?


No. There was no presence of blood in the vomit.

Was there any bleeding from gums or nostrils?


No nothing like that.

All right And have you suffered any respiratory problems?


No, I didn’t experience any other symptoms.

That’s good to hear patricia. Nothing to be alarmed of as of now. However you need to undergo several tests in order to identify the reason for the symptoms. For that purpose we need to carry out tests such as liver function, stool culture, etc..


Okay nurse.

So Patricia, Let me explain the next steps involved in your treatment. We begin with the tests and afterwards you will be examined by a doctor. Alongside this you will also require a certain period of monitoring.


Yes, I hear what you said nurse. Can you tell me about my condition? What is wrong with me?

Patricia I can sense your curiosity. I am sorry to say that it is not part of my job role to make any diagnosis. After the tests and consultation the doctor will let you know in detail about your condition.


Oh, I see nurse.

For your better understanding I will explain the purpose of my role and three options. By doing the triage It allows us to assess the seriousness of a patient’s case and thus we can decide on the appropriate actions needed. Please be patient And I can assure you that you will be examined by a doctor soon according to the priority of the cases.


All right, I got it. Perhaps I need some medication at the earliest to get rid of nausea and this bad stomach ache.

Your situation is understandable Patricia. Try not to worry. Meanwhile you wait for your turn to see the doctor. Let me discuss with the doctor about your situation And they will try to get somatic medication for you. An antiemetic is a drug that is effective against vomiting and nausea, so that are typically used to treat the side effects of various treatments and medications.


All right. Can you please make it fast?

Sure Patricia, Well can I have your consent for the tests, please?


Here it is. You may Please proceed.

Thank you for your consent patricia. Please take your seat and kindly wait for your name to be called to initiate tests.


Okay Sure nurse. I will.

Thank you for your cooperation patricia. I wish you a speedy recovery.


Thank you. That is the end of your only speaking role play. All the best.

Thank you.

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