
Your preparation time is over. You can now start your speaking role play. Don’t worry if I stop you when the time is up.

Good morning. My name is Narso Andrew, one of the community nurses in this locality. Am I talking to Patricia?


Good morning nurse. Yes I’m Patricia.

Nice to meet you Patricia. How are you?


Nice to meet you too. I’m good thank you. What about you?

I’m doing great. Thank you for asking.


Good to hear.

Patricia, I am here to provide the follow up care to you and your baby. How’s your baby?


Thank you for coming. My baby is fine. Well nurse I am having a whole load of questions for you.

I can understand your situation being a first time mother Patricia . It is quite natural to have concerns on newborn care, And I am really glad to resolve your questions.


Thank you for  understanding. I hope you can help me.

Definitely Patricia. Tell me how I can help you.


Nurse It will be great if you can help me with some effective breastfeeding techniques.

Sure Patricia. First of all it is very important to maintain a correct breastfeeding position when feeding the baby.


Position? no one has ever informed me about this yet.

Is it? No worries. Now I can give you a detailed explanation on the topic. Are you happy?


Yes of course.

Great, It is important to keep the baby in such a manner that the head and whole body of the baby are well supported, and held close to you.


All right, nurse. I’ll take care of it.

Most importantly good attachment occurs when the baby’s mouth covers most of the areola. The dark part of the nipple with some of the areola visible above the mouth, And make sure the baby’s mouth is wide open and chin touches the breast.


Okay I got it.

You can confirm an effective suckling, when no other sounds except swallowing sounds are heard and might clear.


Yes it is clear for me. I will confirm it next time.

That’s perfect. Also please remember that burping your baby after every feed helps to expel the air out from the digestive tract.


Well nurse, I am not sure about burping. Can you please explain to me what is burping?

Sure, I will explain it to you. Burping simply means excess wind in the stomach, or upper intestine released through the mouth.


Oh, I see.

In order to perform it, you should sit your baby on your lap facing away from you. Then place the palm of your hand flat against the chest, and support the chin and jar to make sure not to put any pressure on the throat area. Afterwards lean your baby forward slightly, and with your free hand gently rub your baby’s back.

Are you following my points?


Yes Nurse, I believe I do that every time.

Good, Keep doing it patricia what do I need to clarify next?


What about immunization?

I appreciate you asking me this question. Immunization is very essential for babies to get some immunity towards many deadly diseases. I can provide you with a pamphlet, which explains in detail about each immunization and it’s time to be taken. Is that okay for you?


That will be of great help. Nurse I would also like to know about the hygiene measures to be followed in order to ensure the safety of my baby.

Of course Patricia, I am glad to see how conscious you are. I would like to advise you that as your baby is just 28 days, it’s good to follow some hygienic measures like hand-washing, and using new and fresh unperfumed clothes when handling the baby. Moreover keep your home neat and tidy and ensure cleanliness.


All right, I understand your words.

I hope you are confident enough now to handle your newborn.


Yes, To an extent Nurse.

I am happy to hear that. If you have any other concerns, don’t hesitate to ring the community team. We are here to help you.


Sure nurse, I’ll definitely call for help if needed.

Fine, So now can I schedule a home visit after three months to check the progress of you and your baby?


Why not? You may please schedule the follow up as needed. It will be helpful for me.

Thank you for your confirmation. I wish you and your baby healthy days ahead. I will see you after three months. Thank you.


That is the end of your only speaking role play. All the best.

Thank you.

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