Nappy Rash OET Speaking Script

Hello Sandra, Based on my examination, I can confirm the presence of nappy or diaper rashes on your baby. Even though diaper rashes are severe cases, it is a prevalent condition among babies, which is not a cause for concern. Let me provide the steps we can take in this situation. The utmost importance is the need for changing routines, which is causing these rashes.

Along with that, we can discuss some ways to prevent rashes well before proceeding. Do you have any questions?

Nurse, I can’t believe it’s just a rash. Actually, my daughter has been crying much more than usual. Also, she is having trouble sleeping. So, Nurse, I think it must be something more serious.

Your thoughts are really natural. Sandra. I can explain the reasons from my clinical opinion.


The first point to be considered is that the diaper rash varies in severity. Probably, the intensity might have increased, which is why the baby showed discomfort and cried a lot.

Oh, I see.

Secondly, the rashes are confined to your baby’s buttocks and not found in any other parts of his body. Finally, besides these rashes, he has no fever or showed no other symptoms. Other symptoms will be present if it is due to some other medical condition. Thus, I conclude rashes might be the cause. I hope your concerns are now cleared.

Yes, Nurse. What you said is correct. But for this reason, will a baby cry a lot?

Yes, Sandra. Your doubt is reasonable. There are several reasons behind a baby’s cry. The thing to remember is that it is common for young babies to cry. Moreover, as your baby is ten months old, the possibility of teething can be a reason for his cry.

Yes, that is true.

Also, it can be colic, usually seen in healthy babies after six weeks, which goes away naturally and is unlikely to be of concern. I mean, here I can reassure you that your baby’s cry won’t be because of any severe ailment. It can be due to any of these factors. So, I suggest that you closely monitor your baby and figure out why she cries.

Sure, Nurse. I will monitor her closely, as you suggest. Actually, I didn’t realise nappy rash could be this severe. Anyway, I am glad it isn’t something else more serious.

Yes, Sandra. By the way, I want know about your baby’s diaper-changing routine.

Sure, Why not? I change the baby’s diaper every few hours and use disposable nappies.

All right. Can you tell me about this soap or baby wipes you use?

Actually, I use that itself. And baby wipes every time I change his nappies.

Okay. Have you tried any treatments for nappy rash?

Yes, I have tried over-the-counter antiseptic creams, which work temporarily and have provided paracetamol for pain.

Thank you for your information Sandra. I can provide some common strategies for preventing rash.

That will be a great help. Nurse. You may please proceed.

All right. Let’s discuss cleansing first.

Okay. Sure.

Always gently cleanse his skin. As you know, cleanliness is paramount for the baby’s well-being. It will also help to prevent rashes to an extent.

Yes, I will continue to do that.

Next, you can try using barrier creams, a formulation used as a cosmetic to place a physical barrier between the skin and contaminants that may irritate the skin.

Okay. I will use that.

Okay Sandra, as you said, you use scented soaps and wipes for your baby. Kindly avoid perfume, soap and baby wipes. This is because perfume products can cause allergies and other skin problems.

Oh, really? I wasn’t aware of this. Okay. I will use unscented cleansing agents.

In addition, I also recommend you make him spend a short period without the use of diapers. It gives some breathing time to the skin, which helps him keep the skin healthy.

Okay, Nurse, Thank you for your valuable information, and I will follow your suggestions.

Thank you for accepting my suggestions. Please feel free to contact us for further queries. I wish your son a speedy recovery.

Thank you.

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