
Your preparation time is over. Now you can start your own speaking role play. Don’t worry if I stop you when the time is up.

Hello Good morning patricia. I am your attending nurse, Narso Andrew here. How do you feel about endoscopy?


Good morning Andrew I am worried about the endoscopy. Mainly concerned How painful will it be?

Patricia, your worries are quite natural. Don’t worry I will give you the information about endoscopy, so your worries will be settled.


All right. You may Please help me Nurse.

Of course. Endoscopy is a short procedure of duration of around 15 minutes. Before the procedure you will be sedated with the local anesthetic throat spray to numb the area. As a result, you will experience something very little pain. Also there will be some minor discomfort afterwards.


All right, I got it. And Nurse I would like to know what I should do to prepare for the procedure.

I appreciate your consciousness Patricia., I will explain to you the preparations needed for the procedure.


Please guide me nurse.

It is important to avoid consuming food after midnight to get rid of risks. Perhaps you can have clear liquids up to 6 hours beforehand So no worries about dehydration. With that being said I would like to know about your current medication.


No Nurse  I’m not taking any medications, but I don’t really understand why I can’t have an early breakfast as my endoscopy is scheduled for the afternoon session.

Your thoughts are reasonable patricia Let me tell you the need for pre procedure fasting so that it will be clear to you.


Yes Nurse.

The importance of avoiding food is to eliminate the risk of aspiration of food or drink into the lungs under sedation. Apart from that to ensure a good view for the doctor to make a definitive evaluation, it is important to be nil by  mouth. I hope now you understand the importance of fasting.


Yes, I understand that nurse. I will do it accordingly.

Well, Patricia, I can provide some suggestions about what you can have for breakfast on the day of the procedure.


Okay Let me know about it.

Patricia it is okay to have black coffee or tea in the morning and can take apple juice as well.


I understand that nurse. I think it is better that I will only have black coffee for breakfast.

Thank you for your understanding patricia. Do you have any other questions that I need to clarify?


Yes, I do have a question nurse. I am worried and curious to know if there are any risks to the procedure.

 Your concern is understandable. I will explain to you what the procedure involves.


All right, nurse.

First to clarify your worry, complications are actually very rare to happen because we will be monitoring it before and after the endoscopy. Thus, I can reassure you that the chance of complications is very less. If you require more clarity more information will be available from the doctor.


It’s okay, Nurse. Now I feel more reassured now but I would like to know how long the recovery will take?

Definitely Patricia Let us discuss what to expect post procedure. There will be mild discomfort in the throat for a few days which will subside naturally. You also require rest after the procedure. However, you will have a quick recovery and your discharge will be on the same day as in the normal scenario.


All right. That’s fine.

Beyond that there will be some after effects of sedation and throat spray. Nothing to be overly concerned about as a result of the sedative effect You will feel some drowsiness. Therefore it is essential that you need to arrange for someone to take you home. You can arrange any friends or relatives.


Okay nurse No worries. I will arrange for someone to take me home.

All right That’s good to hear. I hope I have cleared your concerns. If you have further questions always feel free to contact us.


Sure Nurse I will. Thank you for your explanation. That is the end of your speaking role Play. All the best.

Thank you.

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