
Your preparation time is over. You can now start your role play. Don’t worry if I stop you when the time is up.

Good morning, My name is Narso Andrew, one of the community health nurses. How may I help you today?


Good morning nurse. My GP has informed me about the chickenpox vaccination for my child. So I am here to enquire about the chickenpox vaccination.

Oh I see, I am glad to help you with the information. Well before proceeding further how may I address you?


You can call me patricia.

Hi patricia. I really appreciate your effort to be here for taking vaccination. You are protecting your loved ones and others in your community. Patricia Now I will explain about chickenpox.


Okay Nurse, You may please.

Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease caused by the virus called the Varicella Zoster virus. It causes an itchy blister like a crash. The rash appears first on the chest, back and face and then spreads over the entire body.


Oh, really?

Yes Patricia, Also the patient may feel fatigued, have a fever or loss of appetite along with headache, itching, sore throat or swollen lymph nodes.


So by taking the vaccination cannot prevent my son from getting the disease, but can be on a safer side.

Exactly, Chickenpox vaccination is also called varicella vaccination, and can protect your son from the disease. However, it is also possible for a person who has been vaccinated for chickenpox to develop chickenpox at some later point in life. Even so the disease is almost always milder, and the recovery is more rapid than for people who have not had the shots.


Okay nurse.

Perhaps, it is important to keep in mind that up to 90% of the people who get the vaccine will not catch chickenpox.


All right, I understand that nurse.

Moving on, Let me explain to you about the vaccination program.


Of course, I would like to know about it.

I appreciate your interest Patricia. It is recommended to have two doses of chickenpox vaccine for children, adolescents and adults who have never had chickenpox and were never vaccinated.


Okay nurse.

Children are routinely recommended to receive the first dose at age 12 through 15 months, and the second dose at age four through six years.


My son is a 15 month old nurse.

All right, so your baby should get his first dose now.


Sure Nurse, And the GP has informed that children should get protection against chickenpox, as this may cause shingles in the latent stage. But I didn’t get that point.

What your GP has informed you is correct. I will explain it to you for a better understanding.


That will be of great help nurse.

Patricia, The same virus that causes chickenpox also causes shingles. But they are not the same illness. Shingles result from the reactivation of the virus long after the chickenpox illness has disappeared.


Is it? How does it happen?

Your question is sensible. It is just because the chickenpox virus stays in the body even after recovery later in life. The virus can reactivate and cause shingles.


So it is something to be taken care of?

Yes Patricia, you are right. Moreover, if you have shingles you can spread the varicella virus to people who have never had chickenpox, or never received the chickenpox vaccine. These people will develop chickenpox not shingles.


Okay, Now I understand the connection between chickenpox and shingles.

Good to hear that patricia.


Nurse I do not want to risk my baby’s health. Kindly help me with the procedures for his vaccination.

Patricia try not to worry, Definitely I will help you with the procedures.


Okay nurse.

I can schedule an appointment for the vaccination at the earliest, so that you can bring your baby to get it, And thus he will be safe from the virus.


That is so kind of you nurse.

It’s my pleasure patricia. Also, for further reference in better understanding, I will provide a patient information leaflet.


Thank you very much Nurse.

You are very welcome. I hope to meet you on the day of appointment. Always feel free for further queries.


Sure Thank you. That is the end of your only speaking role play. All the best.

Thank you.

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