
Your preparation time is over. You can now start your role play. Don’t worry if I stop you when the time is up.

Thank you for allowing me to examine your fingernails. Well Patricia, can I have a few questions For a detailed understanding of your condition, please?


Why not? You may, please.

Thank you patricia. Can you provide further information about your condition?


Sure The problem started a couple of months ago. I started noticing my fingernails becoming yellow and breaking easily. I was wondering because I haven’t had this before.

I’m sorry to hear that. Well patricia Have you ever injured your fingers or nails?


No, I haven’t been injured.

Good to hear patricia. Did you try any medications?


Actually Nurse I only tried over-the-counter nail cream, but it’s not helping.

All right. Can you brief me on your general health condition, please?


Of course Nurse. I don’t have any health issues. I am generally well and very active.

That’s good to hear patricia. Are you on any new long term medications?


No, I am not on any medications.

That’s great. Well have you noticed any other symptoms?


No, I haven’t noticed any other symptoms.

Okay fine. Now, for your understanding I will provide some possible causes for your condition. Normally, the possible causes of yellow brittle nails are aging, Poor diet, poor fluid intake, vitamin deficiency, underlying thyroid problems, etc..


Okay nurse.

Patricia, can you identify the relevance of these to your condition?


I don’t drink water very much and I don’t eat that well. You know, I don’t like fruit and vegetables. Instead I sometimes take vitamin supplements. Perhaps I think it could be due to aging And I know that I don’t have a thyroid problem.

Thank you Patricia for providing sufficient details. From your information, I suspect your diet and fluid intake could be the main reasons for your condition. Apart from age, that is because your body is not getting sufficient vitamins, minerals, proteins and calcium from your diet. I hope you understand my words.


Yes, I understand that nurse.

All right Patricia, I strongly recommend you start drinking adequate quantities of water and keep your body sufficiently hydrated. Also, you should include fruits and vegetables in your diet. If a proper diet is not able to be followed You should consult a dietician and should start consuming health supplements vital for your body to sustain normally.


Sure Nurse. Definitely, I will improve my diet and water consumption. I will try to include more fruits and vegetables in my diet as well.

I am very glad to hear that. Additionally I will suggest some ideas for improving the condition of nails. Regular use of nail cream will be an effective solution. Also, try to keep your nails short so that they won’t break easily.


Oh, it seems to be a good idea Nurse. I will start using nail cream regularly. Thank you.

However, I would recommend making a doctor’s appointment for you. It will be beneficial not just to overcome your present condition but also to live a hassle free life ahead. No room for overthinking Patricia, just consult the doctor for a health checkup and it will help to rule out any underlying problem or cause if it exists.

May I book an appointment for you?


All right Nurse What you said is correct. Please book an appointment for me.

That is a very wise decision patricia. I will book the appointment as early as possible for you.


That’s fine.

Patricia Do I have to address any more concerns?


No Nurse. I am now feeling more informed and supportive.

My pleasure. I wish you a speedy recovery patricia.


Thank you nurse. That is the end of your speaking role Play. All the very best.

Thank you.

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