
Your preparation time is over. You can now start your role play. Don’t worry if I stop you when the time is up.

Good morning, My name is Narso Andrew, I’m one of the nurses working in the community health center. Can I have your name for the record, please?


Good morning nurse, My name is patience patricia. You can call me patricia.

Hi Patricia, How may I help you today?


Yes I have received a letter about my daughter’s grommet surgery. The letter mainly conveys the surgery date and the fasting requirements. However, I want to know more about it.

Sure, It is my pleasure to explain it to you. First of all for better understanding, a grommet is a small tube that’s placed in your child’s ear during surgery. It drains fluid away and keeps the term open.


All right nurse.

The grommets should fall out naturally within 6 to 12 months as your child’s ear gets better. The surgical preparations are similar to other surgeries. So far is it clear for you?


Yes Nurse, For a two year old child fasting for the long time is really tough. Is it quite necessary to do that?

I appreciate your concern, but fasting can prevent unnecessary complications during surgery such as cough, gag reflexes, risk of vomiting. Talking in detail Due to anesthesia, aspiration can happen. The salt or semi-solid stomach contents may enter the airways and not let the lungs get their liquid. Stomach contents that are acidic may also burn the lungs. This may cause brain damage or even death.

This is less likely to happen when the stomach is empty because of fasting. That is why fasting is important before surgery.


Oh I see, I wasn’t aware of it. Now I understand the importance of fasting. Nurse let me know how long my child should stay without milk and food.

As a parent, I can understand what you are going through at the moment. Patricia, It is mandatory to avoid food and milk products 6 hours before the operation. You also need to stop clear liquids 2 hours before the surgery. Perhaps you can continue oral medication with sips of water if required.


All right Nurse, I am quite upset because my child may feel really hungry and thirsty. I don’t know how she will cope with this.

I acknowledge your worries. As I mentioned before you can give her some clear fluids until 2 hours before the surgery.


Clear fluid. May I know what exactly you mean by clear fluid?

Yes of course, A clear liquid diet means clear fluids that are easily digested, and leave no undigested residue in the intestinal tract. For example she can have some apple juice, but not orange juice.


All right, I got it now.

I can assure you that during and after the operation your child will be given intravenous fluids. So she won’t feel tired.


Thank you for letting me know. Now I am feeling a bit relieved.

All right Patricia, I would like to know whether you have given any information to your child regarding the surgery.


Oh no I haven’t talked to my child as I am not sure about it.

It’s okay, Don’t worry I can help you. You can tell her without much complications. Just tell her that a cream will be applied to the back of her hands, and get ready for a small sharp scratch. Then she will go for a deep sleep and I’ll let her know it is not at all painful.


Sure nurse.

Patricia, You can also convey her the benefits of the procedure. I strongly recommend you to do that.


Oh yes, Sure nurse.

Let her know that the procedure can help your child to hear better. And it also reduces the chances of ear infections afterwards.


My child will be happy to know that.

Definitely I can sense that. Well Patricia, do you have any other concerns?


Yes, I would like to know regarding the hospital stay and discharge.

I am sorry to say that, I am not the authoritative person to talk about the discharge. However, I can assure you that once your child is fully recovered from anesthetic effect, she is almost ready for the discharge. And before discharge it is important she should tolerate clear liquids and light food. In addition It is mandatory that she needs to pass urine.

I hope it is clear for you.


Yes Nurse.

Okay, is there anything I need to answer?


No, I don’t have any more questions. I feel better about the surgery and the fasting requirements.

Great to know that, Hope I have clarified all your doubts. Will meet you on the day of surgery.


Sure, Thank you nurse.

You are very welcome.


That is the end of your speaking role Play. All the best.

Thank you.

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