
Your preparation time is over. The role play will now last for about 5 minutes. Don’t worry if I stop you when the time is up. Can you start the role play, please?

Hi Good morning. I’m Narso Andrew, one of the registered nurses in the community Health center. May I know the reason for your visit please?


Hello Andrew good morning. I am here to get some details of the DT vaccine for my child.

Sure. I am happy to help you. Well, could you please confirm her date of birth and any allergies she has?


Sure. She was born on 15th of October 2023 and she has no known allergies.

Okay Thank you. How may I address you?


My name is Patricia.

So patricia your child requires DT vaccine, which is diphtheria and tetanus. Do you have any concerns or questions about this vaccine?


Well I’m not very familiar with these diseases. What are they and why does she need to be vaccinated against them?

Your question is reasonable. I will let you know in detail patricia. Diphtheria and tetanus are serious bacterial infections that can affect the throat, lungs, nerves and muscles. They can cause breathing problems, paralysis and even death. The vaccine protects your child from these infections by stimulating her immune system to produce antibodies that fight against the bacteria. The vaccine is very safe and effective, and it is recommended for all children as part of their immunization schedule.


I see nurse. Thank you for explaining that. Are there any side effects or risks associated with the vaccine?

That is a good question Patricia. The most common side effects that are mild and include pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, fever and fussiness. These usually go away within a few days and can be treated with paracetamol or a ibuprofen. There’s a very low chance of a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine, which can cause hives, difficulty breathing or shock.

Don’t worry about it. This is why we monitor your child for 15 minutes after the vaccination to make sure she is okay. If you notice any signs of a severe reaction after you leave, you should go to the nearest emergency department immediately.


Okay, I understand nurse. How about the needle prick? Will it hurt her a lot?

Your concern is quite natural. We use a very thin needle and we try to make it as quick and gentle as possible so that she won’t experience severe pain. By the way patricia let me provide some tips to make your child comfortable through the vaccination. You can help your child by holding her close, talking to her softly or distracting her with a toy or song.

You can also apply some ice or a cold compress the injection site after the vaccination to reduce the pain.


Thank you for the tips. I hope she won’t cry too much. Well, how many doses of this vaccine does she need and when should she get them?

I will provide the details of the vaccine she needs and when she should get them. In total, she needs five doses of the vaccine. The first three doses are given at two months, four months and six months of age. The fourth dose is given that 15 to 18 months of age and the fifth dose is given at 4 to 6 years of age.

These booster doses are important to maintain her immunity against diphtheria and tetanus throughout her childhood.


All right nurse Thank you for all the information. You have been very helpful.

You’re welcome Patricia. Here is a leaflet that has more details about the DT vaccine and what to expect after the vaccination. This would be helpful for you.


Yes definitely nurse.

All right. If you have further questions or concerns, you can call us at this number or visit our website. Now can I schedule your child’s vaccination?


Yes, I think so. Please do it.

Okay great. Her vaccination has been successfully scheduled now Patricia. Before concluding let me summarize what we have discussed so far. Your child requires the vaccine which protects against diphtheria and tetanus, two serious bacterial infections. The vaccine is safe and effective and is part of the standard childhood immunization schedule. We discuss common side effects of the vaccine, including mild pain, redness, swelling, fever and fussiness.

Severe allergic reactions are very rare. And here at the health center, we will monitor your child for 15 minutes after vaccination. I also explained that the needle prick has made gentle as possible to minimize pain and provided tips to comfort your child during the vaccination. Your child will need a total of five doses of the vaccine at specific ages to maintain immunity against diphtheria and tetanus throughout childhood.

You receive the leaflet with more details about the vaccine and were given contact information for further questions or concerns. Finally, your child’s vaccination has been successfully scheduled. Is there anything else you would like to know or discuss?


No that’s fine. Thank you, nurse. That is the end of your speaking role play and best of luck.

Thank you Patricia.

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