
Your preparation time is over. You can now start your little speaking role play. Don’t worry if I stop you when the time is up.

Good morning. I’m Narso Andrew, One of the nurses here at the emergency department. How can I help you today?


Good morning nurse, My name is patricia. I was bitten by a cat and I came here to get some advice.

I’m sorry to hear that Patricia, could you please tell me in detail about the cat bite?


Sure why not? I got a cat bite on my right arm near the elbow. It seems to be less severe, But I thought getting medical advice would be a better thing.

I appreciate your decision to seek medical attention. Patricia, Would you mind asking some questions to get more information on cat bites?


No worries. You may Please go ahead.

Thank you for your permission. Well Patricia, how did it happen?


Well I was visiting my friend and he has a cat. It seemed friendly at first, but when I tried to stroke it, it suddenly beat me and tried to scratch me.

That’s unfortunate, Cat bites can be quite serious and require medical attention. They can cause puncture wounds that are deep and hard to clean. They can also introduce harmful bacteria into your body that can cause infection and complications. By the way Patricia, did you do anything to treat the wound?


I washed it with some soap and water and put a plaster on it but it still hurts and looks red and swollen.

Okay let me have a look at it. Can you remove the plaster for me?


Sure, You may Please have a look at it.

Hum, The wound is quite inflamed and there is some pus coming out of it. It might be infected. We need to clean it properly and apply some antibiotic cream to it. Patricia, When was your last tetanus shot?


Tetanus shot? I don’t remember. What’s that for?

I mean patricia tetanus is a serious infection that can be caused by bacteria in animal bites. It affects your nervous system and can cause muscle spasms, and even death if not treated properly. The tetanus vaccine can prevent it, But you need to get a booster every ten years.


Oh, that sounds scary. Nurse, how do I know if I have tetanus or not?

Don’t be tense patricia. Actually we cannot say for sure yet, but we need to be cautious. You should get a tetanus shot as soon as possible to protect yourself from any potential infection.


All right then, I am ready to take it.

That’s a good decision. Patricia, before we proceed with that may I know your pain status.


Yes, Pain is quite manageable.

Great, Now let me explain the next steps in your treatment procedure. First we’ll use some saline solution and gauze pads to gently clean the wound area.


That sounds great.

The next step is to see the doctor who will examine your wound and prescribe some antibiotics if needed. The doctor will also give you a teta shot.


Okay, Will it take time?

Patricia, I am sorry to say the exact time of the consultation session. However, it is very important that you see the doctor as soon as possible, because cat bites can cause severe problems if left untreated. I hope you understand the importance.


Yes I understand.

Afterwards, we will apply some antibiotic cream on it to prevent infection. Then cover it up with a sterile dressing so that it stays clean and dry.


All right, that’s fine.

Do you have any questions or concerns?


No, not really.

All right then. Do you consent to have the teta shot?


Yes I do.

Okay then please wait here, the doctor will give you further instructions regarding your wound treatment and tetanus vaccination.


Okay Nurse.

Thank you for coming today and cooperating with us. I wish you a speedy recovery.


Thank you, That is the end of your only speaking role play. All the best.

Thank you.

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